Monday, April 26, 2010

God's love

There is tremendous relief in knowing that His love to me is utterly realistic, based at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about me, so that no discovery now can disillusion Him about me, in the way I am so often disillusioned about myself, and quench His determination to bless me.

JI Packer
Knowing God
Hodder & Stoughton


[God] is better to the worst of us than the best of us deserves.

D Macleod
Behold Your God

The Father's love for the Son

It is important to remember the cost to the Father arising out of his love for His Son. How Abraham felt as he brought to the altar his son, his only son, Isaac whom he loved; how David felt as he cried, 'Absalom, my son, my son! Would I had died for thee Absalom, my son, my son!' - These are but shadows of the cost to God, as the love of these fathers for their sons was but a faint reflection of God's love for His. We lose much if our doctrine of the impassibility of God obscures from us the implications of the depth of the Father's affection.

D Macleod
Behold Your God

Saturday, April 24, 2010

You are the glory of God

You are not an animal. You are the glory of God.
You are not a pervert. You are the glory of God.
You are not an addict. You are the glory of God.
You are not a victim. You are the glory of God.
You are not a fool. You are the glory of God.

Mark Driscoll in
Tim Chester
Captured by a Better Vision