Saturday, May 11, 2013

God's Glory

How serious do you think God is about his glory? Does God's glory matter this much to you? Do you think it is a serious crime that all the humans whom God made to know him and glorify him have used God's gifts to rebel against him? Do you find it heinous and deplorable that humanity has turned the world God made as a theater for his glory into a theater of idolatry and rebellion and sin? Do you think human sin warrants the kind of judgement that we see in this chapter? [Revelation 8]

If you think that God is overreacting, your view of God is too small. The scope of this devastation is meant to show us how great God is. The fury of this wrath is meant to declare how serious God is about his word.

J Hamilton
Revelation (Preaching the Word)

Thursday, May 09, 2013

The Law

Any repentant rebel will tell you, you don't break the law of God, it breaks you.

T Johnson
The Parables of Jesus.