A fish could sooner drink the Mississippi River dry than we could empty the fountain of his love.
J Beeke & P Smalley
Reformed Systematic Theology, Vol 1
Kindle loc. 18786
A fish could sooner drink the Mississippi River dry than we could empty the fountain of his love.
J Beeke & P Smalley
Reformed Systematic Theology, Vol 1
Kindle loc. 18786
It's no use just singing pretty songs: 'Jesus I love you.' They don't prove anything. It's onlyin daily life that you prove, through obedience, whether or not you love Jesus.
J Stott, in
T Chester
Stott on the Christin Life
Eternal death is not cessation of being. It is the opposite of eternal life. It is unlikeness to the glorified humanity of Jesus. It is the loneliness of not ever knowing any peace of fellowship with God.