Monday, July 18, 2011

Tips for Evangelising

  1. Every day I pray God will lead me to someone with whom I can share the gospel.
  2. Just talk about anything and everything - be chatty and not reserved. If you're on a bus or at a supermarket checkout, sometimes the conversation can naturally turn to speaking about God.
  3. Carry booklets and tracts to give to people if you think it's appropriate.
  4. You can't just get into conversations time after time with the people around you - colleagues and friends. Pray for the right moment; normally that comes in a one-to-one time. Share something without forcing it.
  5. It's hard work until someone asks a question. But even if it is just, 'You don't believe that, do you?', it's an invitation to talk to them.
  6. Get it on the agenda. Churches should be discussing evangelism at every prayer meeting and church business meeting, asking how we can reach people who don't come to us.
  7. At any time you have an opportunity, such as a birthday, invite someone to come and give a talk and share their testimony. I have buffet suppers where I invite friends and neighbours, and someone shares their testimony for 20 minutes. Try to think creatively - what can I do to reach out?
  8. Have confidence in the gospel (Romans 1:16). It's not a philosophy to be debated - there is power to be unleashed. When we winsomely and lovingly share the gospel it is powerful.
  9. People I'm meeting are not my enemies! The aim is to love them into the kingdom; it's very important that we don't go into attack mode.
 R Carswell
July 2011

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